
Raomed is a company based in the city of Cordoba, Argentina that was born in 2009 with a single purpose, to be PIONEERS IN CUSTOMIZED MEDICINE AND 3D TECHNOLOGIES APPLIED TO MEDICINE.

It is thanks to this eagerness that today it is a leading company in the design and manufacture of implants and custom surgical guides, and the first company in the country certified by ANMAT for the exclusive development of this kind of products.

  • Solid experience resulting from our more than 10 years manufacturing custom medical products.

  • Excellence thanks to our more than 1,500 implants placed around the world.

  • Maximum personalization through the possibility of choosing multiple materials to plan and execute your surgery.

  • Personalized attention, with the best service on the market.

  • A unique team of professionals, facilities and equipment in Latin America.

  • National and international leadership.

International presence

Raomed has performed surgeries in the following countries