Laura, recovered then a lot of pain

Laura is a dedicated grandmother, takes care of her husband, and continues to care for her children and grandchildren...

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Laura is a dedicated grandmother, takes care of her husband, and continues to care for her children and grandchildren. At the age of 68, she began to experience severe jaw pain and discomfort. When she went to see her family doctor, he referred her to a specialist who ordered all her tests, and it was here that she was diagnosed with a tumor on her jaw. This news for Laura and her family was very painful, since despite her excellent health, the treatment required a long and complex surgery to achieve a safe removal of the tumor, and a subsequent reconstruction of her jaw.

The medical team that treated Laura is very experienced in solving these kinds of problems. Their vast experience meant that ever since they tried Raomed products for this kind of pathology, they always chose them, as they really do substantially improve the outcome of the surgery compared to traditional methods. The 3D planning work that is later turned over to the Raomed guide system allows them to have all the devices in the operating room to be able to remove the lesion and reconstruct with the fibula itself in an effective and agile way, just as they did with Laura.

Laura: At the time the doctors gave us the diagnosis with my family we were very worried and depressed, we didn't think there was any recovery. Thanks to the professionalism of the doctors and the seriousness of Raomed, they have achieved a painless recovery, my tumor is a part of the past, and I was even able to recover all my teeth and my smile.